FOTS 016 @proxic0n joins Twitter, gets healthy

Friends of the Show with Eli @proxic0n

Eli has been a pal on Twitter for a few years now, he used to go by a different handle, he was @MarlonBrandNo for a while before settling on @proxic0n! He has always been funny and nice online so it is nice to have him on the show this week!

Eli’s Story: How I joined Twitter and got healthy

Eli’s Tweets

Eli’s picks
From Andrew Nadeau

From Cat Damon

From Herbie

Questions from Twitter

From the lovely SHIM

From SECOND Friend of the SHow Danny @therealeatwood

From Computer Cleric

From Trey Sploosks

From Kendrick Lobstar

From Adam Broud

Eli’s Wrap Up – what is he going to do with his life?

Eli’s Shoutouts: “Shout out to the Fucj den. I love all you guys. Special thanks to Ollie @ojedge for being the force that really pushed me over the edge to make this account. And Special thanks to Tanner @discofruit for inviting me to my first group DM and allowing to get to know all of these wonderful people”

Thanks to Eli for being the Friend of the Week!