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Friends of the Show Episode 005 with @upsidedowntrash AKA Penjamin AKA WILL

“I wonder if there’s beer on the sun.” -Zap Rowsdower, “The Final Sacrifice” (1990)
Penjamin (@upsidedowntrash) also known as Will, is one of the nicest and funniest guys I’ve met through Twitter. Some of his wildly successful tweets are just the best, and he has managed to find fun and unique ways to keep twitter interesting. He took a hiatus and the community missed him too much and demanded that he return. Now he’s back and better than ever, ladies and gentleman, welcome our very favourite space raccoon, WILL!
Get to know Will: Origin of the name Penjamin
Story: “Chicken Sandwich Dilemma” Will shares a time when he was faced with the ultimate decision, and makes a bold, unpredictable choice.
Will’s favourite @upsidedowntrash Tweets:
I get home and realize where my house stood a shark now sits dressed as a house with its mouth open
Shark:[nervously makes house noises]— penjamin. (@upsidedowntrash) July 6, 2015
Mom: What are you hiding in there?
[Vin Diesel noises from closet]
M: Is Vin Diesel in there?
Vin Diesel: [from closet] No.— penjamin. (@upsidedowntrash) November 21, 2015
Old, paunchy & alone, he caresses the chiseled face captured on canvas so long ago. He laments to an empty room, "no one weeps like Gaston."
— penjamin. (@upsidedowntrash) March 11, 2017
Will’s fave tweets from others:
From the lovely and talented Sky
McDonalds 1985
Boss: Playground ideas?
Divorced Hank:
A hot metal jail made from the head of a hamburger manBoss: first of all I love it
— spacegirl incognito (@iamspacegirl) September 27, 2016
I must add here, Will and Sky are a great Twitter team, they sometimes run contests and even alt accounts!
From the inimitable @buttsword who is a bird
911 dispatch: 911 whats ur emergency?
me: hello GameStop?— butt sword (@buttsword) August 14, 2015
and from future friend of the show Mark Magark @Markedly this is one of my faves of all time too
Two Ways Sharks Can Die:
1. if they stop swimming
2. if they start swimming (into my fists)— Mark Magark (@markedly) January 3, 2017
Other things Will is doing on twitter:
Music Thread is awesome – also available as a spotify playlist right from the tweet link here
🎵 Music thread of jams I'm digging atm 🎵
— penjamin. (@upsidedowntrash) January 17, 2017
Saves the Day, Brand New, Get Up Kids, Flaming Lips, Moneen,
We discuss friendly back n forth with twitter celebs like Mark Hoppus and Lin Manuel Miranda, names are dropped.
I think its nuts First Day at Hotel California didn’t make it on the list
[1st Day working at Hotel California]
Guest: Id like 2 check out
Me: Sure! Youre all set!
G: Thanks! [Leaves]
Boss: Can I see u in my office— penjamin. (@upsidedowntrash) November 5, 2015
Q’s for WILL FROM TWITTER: Broke the record for most questions asked but you’re only the fourth guest so that’s not too huge.
From our pal Mark Magark @markedly check out his new podcast, Making Friends with Mark Magark @MagarkPod on Twitter – Will do you know anything about this podcast? WILL DID THE ARTWORK for the podcast because he is multi talented.
He asks:
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash Egg?
— Mark Magark (@markedly) April 21, 2017
Our pal The Hype (@thehyyype) asks
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash how does trash taste?
— The Hyperdrive (@TheHyyyype) April 21, 2017
Pale Space Rider @truegritrumble asks:
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash What's his maiden name?
— The Pale Space Rider (@truegritrumble) April 21, 2017
From the aforementioned Spacegirl Incognito @iamspacegirl
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash Fuck/Marry/Kill:
Peter Gabriel, Brad Pitt, David Bowie
— spacegirl incognito (@iamspacegirl) April 24, 2017
From Space Cat! The very nice and funny Sarah @catstronomical
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash What has been the best aspect of being a part of funny twitter for you?
What is your personal favorite joke you have written?
— Space Cat (@catstronomical) April 21, 2017
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash Who are his favorite twitter accounts& why?
What's something he always wanted to do but hasn't gotten the chance to?
embarrassing story?
— Space Cat (@catstronomical) April 21, 2017
From our very own Wilde Beest friend @flashember
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash what is his full birth name? Is it Wilbur Kensington Smith? also why did he quit twitter that one time for quite awhile? be specific pls
— wylde de beest (@flashember) April 21, 2017
Dean Thomson asks @deanjthompson
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash Single piece of advice for someone logging on to Twitter for the first time?
— Dean Thompson (@deanjthompson) April 24, 2017
Now the fun ones:
From Friend of the Show @jessokfine
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash Less a question, more a demand, but eat a milk hot dog and post a video
— Jess (@jessokfine) April 21, 2017
UPDATE (Watch the entire thread):
— penjamin. (@upsidedowntrash) April 27, 2017
From our pal Todd @TheToddWilliams
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash If he could ask me any question, what would it be?
— Todd 'Papi' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) April 24, 2017
from Dorsal Stream RM:
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash What do house noises sound like and what's his best imitation?
— RM (@dorsalstream) April 24, 2017
From Danny @dundlewood
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash Marry, Sleep with, Kill, Spend a day at Six Flags with
The Rock, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Ludacris
— Danny (@dundlewood) April 21, 2017
From Abe M BEe @dubiousrhetoric
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash Why are his glasses taped (is he Harry Potter)
— Abe Em Bee (@dubiousrhetoric) April 24, 2017
From our pal Ally Gator @notacroc
@FOTSPod @upsidedowntrash is it true he loves alligators? Particularly red ones with yellow eyes?
— Ally Gator 🐊 (@notacroc) April 24, 2017
Thank you everyone for your questions!!
Thanks Will!!